These moreish rich squares are perfect for an after dinner treat.
Brought to you by: Matthews Cotswold Flour | Facebook
The Matthews Cotswold Flour mill is still owned and run by father and son team Paul and Bertie Matthews, the 5th and 6th generation of Matthews. We continue to combine authentic traditional stoneground milling methods with modern roller milling from our original 1912 building.
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Preheat oven temperature oven to 170c/150c fan. Grease and line 8 x 11 inch shallow tin.
Mix margarine, syrup, treacle and sugar in saucepan and melt gently. Cool slightly before beating in eggs and milk.
Put flour, oats, spices and sodium bicarbonate into a mixing bowl and combine. Pour in melted ingredients and beat well.
Pour into the tin and bake for 30-35 minutes or until firm to the touch. Cool before cutting into squares.