You know you want to whip up our quick and easy rhubarb traybake tart, it only takes 10 minutes to prep ready for the oven! And will look pretty as a picture in the centre of your lunch table or picnic blanket.
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1 tart (20 x 30cm)
{{ new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().slice(11, 19) }}
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Preheat the oven to 180°c (fan).
In the large mixing bowl, rub together the flour, icing sugar and butter with your fingertips until a crumb consistency is achieved. Add 5 tbsp of water and bring the mix together with your hand to form a pastry dough.
Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, break off about a quarter and set to one side (this will be the top of the tart) and roll the remainder into a rectangle large enough to line the baking tin.
Roll the pastry back onto the rolling pin to pick it up, then drape over the tin, and tuck into the corners and up the sides. Trim any excess (add this to the reserved quarter of dough) and place the lined tin in the freezer.
Chop the rhubarb into 2cm diagonal pieces and put into the (cleaned) large mixing bowl. Add the 200g caster sugar, orange zest and cornflour and toss the rhubarb so it’s all coated.
Spread the coated rhubarb into the pastry-lined tin, and fold in the pastry around the edge to create a crust.
Roll out the reserved quarter of dough and cut out some different sized circles using cutters/a tumbler/a bottle lid then randomly place them on top of the rhubarb so there are still some gaps where you can see the fruit.
Brush the pastry with egg wash, sprinkle with caster sugar and bake for 30-35 minutes until the rhubarb is soft and the pastry is golden.
Leave to cool slightly before serving with cream, custard or ice cream.