Easy vegan shortbread

A guest recipe by Baking Mad
Preparation time:
10 mins
Cooking time:
10 mins

This vegan shortbread is really easy to make. You end up with a crumbly buttery biscuit with a delicate flavour. This vegan shortbread recipe is perfect as an every day biscuit.

Ingredients checklist


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/ 160ºc fan/gas mark 4 Using a wooden spoon and a mixing bowl, mix the spread and sugar together. Stir in the flour

Step 2

Once you've just mixed the flour, use your hands to mix it all together until ingredients are combined. Halve the dough and roll each piece into a log, about 5cm thick. Wrap in cling film and chill for at least an hour

Step 3

Slice the logs into rounds, about 1 cm thick. Transfer them to a baking tray lined up with baking parchment, and bake for about 10- 12 minutes until lightly golden. Allow to cool on the tray. Once cooled if you wish, top with melted vegan dark chocolate

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Baking Mad

Baking Mad is a trusted destination for bakers of all levels to learn, be inspired, and share their enthusiasm for baking with those they love. Part of The Silver Spoon Company; a trusted family of baking brands including Silver Spoon Sugar, Allinson Flour, Billington’s Sugar and Nielsen-Massey Vanilla and Flavoured Extracts.

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