A simple no knead loaf. Perfect for first-time bread makers! You will need a lidded casserole dish.
Brought to you by: Carr's flour
Milling in the UK for almost 200 years!!
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In a large food container with lid, pour in the water and dried yeast. Stir until dissolved.
Add the flour and salt then mix well, using your hand with a claw action to combine all the ingredients.
Put the lid over, but don’t close completely. Leave for around 2 hours (or until it’s doubled in size) in a warm place.
Put the lid firmly on and place in the fridge overnight.
When ready to bake, take out the dough and tip onto a lightly floured work surface. Fold the dough over on itself a couple of times and then shape into a dome. Leave on the surface or on a floured baking tray for a further hour.
Preheat the oven to 200˚C/180˚C Fan Oven/Gas Mark 6 with a large lidded casserole dish inside.
Once up to temperature, flour the casserole dish and place your dough inside, seam side up. Bake your loaf for around 40 minutes, or until golden brown. Taking the lid off for the last 15 minutes.
To check it’s ready, tap the bottom of the loaf and if it sounds hollow it’s ready to enjoy!