Easy to make and super tasty oatcakes, get creative with your toppings!
Brought to you by: Carr's Flour
Milling in the UK for almost 200 years!!
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Pre-heat the oven to 190˚C/170˚C Fan/Gas Mark 5 Sieve the flour into the bowl and add the oats, sugar and bicarbonate of soda.
Melt the butter either in the microwave or over a bowl of hot water and add to the dry ingredients.
Mix well and add enough milk to make a firm dough.
Lightly flour the surface and roll out the dough until it’s around 5mm thick.
Using a circular cutter, cut out the biscuits and place on the tray. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown and leave to cool (or eat while warm), then get creative with your toppings!