Sunday roast is complete with a glorious Yorkshire pud!
Brought to you by: Wrights Baking
Family run flour milling, since 1867.
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Place the flour in a bowl and stir in the eggs, followed by the milk and water.
Start mixing with a spoon but swap this for a balloon whisk and beat until smooth.
Cover and chill to rest the batter for at least half an hour, then add a splash of fat from the meat or add a tablespoon of oil which is supposed to create a crispier Yorkshire Pud.
Heat your oven to 220c/200c fan/gas mark 7 and warm the tins.
Quickly grease them – usually by wiping an oil soaked piece of kitchen towel around the inside of your tins.
Fill a 6-hole large muffin tin a or 17cm tin with the batter and bake immediately in the upper middle part of your oven for 25-30 minutes – longer for the 17cm round tin.
The puddings should be well risen, browned and cooked all the way through.