Delicious freshly baked or toasted with a little butter – the perfect way to start your day.
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{{ Math.floor(minutes/60) >= 1 ? Math.floor(minutes/60) + ' hour' + (Math.floor(minutes/60) > 1 ? 's' : '') : null }} {{ Math.floor(minutes%60) }} minute{{Math.floor(minutes%60) > 1 ? 's' : null }}
1 2lb loaf size
{{ new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().slice(11, 19) }}
{{ currentStepText }}
Measure the ingredients into the pan in the order they are listed above excluding the cherries or cranberries, nuts and dried apple at this stage. This ensures the best mixing and therefore the best result. Select large loaf size by pressing the loaf size button and then press the start button.
During the second kneading the machine will beep ten times to signal the addition of nuts and fruit. Add the cherries, nuts and apple at this stage.
When the loaf is ready, the machine will beep and the loaf tin can be removed using oven an glove, be careful as it is very hot.
Allow the bread to cool for 15 minutes before turning pan upside down and tapping the loaf onto a cooling rack.
*If you wish to make the muesli loaf with the time facility, add the dried fruit and nuts with the other ingredients, adding them last.