{{ text }}
{{ Math.floor(minutes/60) >= 1 ? Math.floor(minutes/60) + ' hour' + (Math.floor(minutes/60) > 1 ? 's' : '') : null }} {{ Math.floor(minutes%60) }} minute{{Math.floor(minutes%60) > 1 ? 's' : null }}
{{ new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().slice(11, 19) }}
{{ currentStepText }}
Preheat your oven to 170°C/325°F/gas 3 and grease a large baking sheet.
Cream together the butter and sugar, then add the egg a bit at a time, stirring well to make a smooth, curdle-free mixture.
Put the flour, cinnamon, and baking powder into a sieve, and have the buttermilk to hand.
Sieve half the flour mixture into the butter mixture and fold in gently. Add half the buttermilk and mix well.
Continue until all flour and buttermilk is folded in and you have a smooth, thick batter.