Excellent for packed lunches and picnics.
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{{ Math.floor(minutes/60) >= 1 ? Math.floor(minutes/60) + ' hour' + (Math.floor(minutes/60) > 1 ? 's' : '') : null }} {{ Math.floor(minutes%60) }} minute{{Math.floor(minutes%60) > 1 ? 's' : null }}
4 people
{{ new Date(seconds * 1000).toISOString().slice(11, 19) }}
{{ currentStepText }}
Butter the bread.
Divide chicken and watercress between four of the slices.
Sauté mushrooms in a little butter, drain, cool and add sweetcorn, Greek yoghurt and mayonnaise. Season with black pepper and salt.
Spoon onto chicken. Top with remaining slices of bread. Cut sandwiches in half to serve.